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Friday, February 27, 2009

Pouring Contempt on the Worth of God's Glory

In his book, The Supremacy of God in Preaching, John Piper says the following:

"We take the mirror of God's image, which was intended to reflect his glory in the world, and turn our backs to the light, and fall in love with the contours of our own dark shadow, trying desperately to convince ourselves (with technological advances or management skills or athletic prowess or academic achievements or sexual exploits or counterculture hair styles) that the dark shadow of the image on the ground in front of us is really glorious and satisfying. And in our proud love affair with ourselves, we pour contempt (whether we know it or not!) on the worth of God's glory."

Christ died to pay the penalty for those of us who "pour contempt on the worth of God's glory." This is the Gospel and we will hear this good news this Sunday as we worship our LORD who saves us from His wrath and surrounds us with His grace!

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