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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Restructuring My LIfe For the Lord

The book of Nehemiah is about an ordinary man God sent to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall around the city 100 years after the exiles returned from Babylon. Before the Lord sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem there are a couple of issues we see in Nehemiah's life that had to be addressed. As you and I desire to be used of God, could there be some areas in our lives that need to be restructured.

First of all we see the understanding Nehemiah had concerning who God is. In chapter 1:5 Nehemiah is praying and addresses God as,

"O LORD God of heaven, the great and awesome God
who keeps covenant and
steadfast love with those who
love Him and keep His commandments"
Nehemiah acknowledges "Yahweh Elohim" as the sovereign God who is immutable; He is faithful to keep His covenant promises and His love is always for those who love Him and obey Him. I must ask myself, "What do I truly believe about God?"

Secondly, he addresses sin in verses 6 and 7.

"Confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father's house have sinned against you."

"We have acted very corruptly against you and have kept the commandments, the statues, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses."
Now I must ask myself the question, "How seriously do I take the sin in my own heart? and "Do I understand that my sin is against the Lord?"

As I desire to serve the Lord in greater ways my heart and life might need to be restructured in these two areas.

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