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Friday, April 10, 2009

Holy Week: Friday, The Joy of Christ

On this last day of Holy Week we are studying the joy of Christ. Joy for some only comes when we get our way and or everything we want we obtain. This type of joy is external and has nothing to do with the joy Jesus speaks about. The joy of Christ is an inner feeling of happiness and gladness. Somewhat like the peace of Christ, the joy we have in Christ depends on our relationship with Him.

Our passage for the study on joy is John 15:11. Jesus is teaching His disciples and closes this particular section with these comments, "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." Notice Jesus is talking about His joy in us. Let us look at several verses in this passage in order to learn how we may have the joy of Jesus in us.

In verse 3 Jesus says we are already clean. This means we have Jesus as our Savior. We believe that He is the Son of God and died and rose again from the dead therefore we have been forgiven, Romans 5:1. Realizing that we are forgiven will definitely bring joy into our hearts.

In verse 5 we are told that by abiding in Him we will produce much fruit and without Him we can do nothing. The fruit we are produce is spiritual fruit which is defined in Galatians 5: 22-23. To produce such fruit is a life that is pleasing to the Lord and brings great joy to the individual and to those around him or her. Also, as we abide in the Lord our lives are purposeful and meaningful. We are able to see the Lord working in our lives and making a difference in the lives of those around us. This results in a joy that is deep within the heart of the believer.

In verse 7 Jesus instructs us that a meaningful prayer life comes by abiding in His Word. The truth of knowing that the Lord hears our prayers and answers them is so encouraging for the believer. Once again our hearts overrun with joy as we see the Lord work through our prayers.

In verses 9-10 we are told that the Father loves us and we remain in His love as we obey His commandments. We keep the commandments of the Lord because we love Him, John 14:15. Even when we sin against the Lord by disobeying Him He will discipline us which is also an act of His love toward us, Hebrews 12:5-6. Again, knowing that a believer remains in the love of the Father overwhelms us and causes our hearts to be filled with joy.

A final note in verse 11 is that "your joy may be full." The verb "to fill" means to be well supplied. The Lord does not want us to be without or low in His joy. He desires that His joy be flowing from our hearts. What is flowing out of our hearts today? Have we become so consumed by the worries and trials of life that they have robbed us of the joy of our salvation? Remember who you are as a child of the Heavenly Father and be filled with the joy of your salvation. For this is indeed the will of your Father for you.

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