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Friday, August 21, 2009

The Second Word: True Worship

The first Word instructs us not to have any additional gods and the second Word instructs us as to how to worship the true and living God. As we evaluate our worship services today it seems as if there is more concern for the interest of the people in the pew than to worship the Lord as He has instructed us.

The second Word forbids the use of idols or images in worship. The best explanation of this Word is given to us by Jesus in John 4:21-24. Jesus is talking to the woman of Samaria and in the course of this conversation He gives instructions concerning worship.

In verse 22 Jesus says that worship is based on knowledge and the Samaritans do not have the true knowledge of God. Some worship services today are based on music or on what people have done for the Lord as opposed to having the Lord at the center of the worship service. True knowledge of God should cause us to worship Him only.

In verse 23 "true worshipers" are mentioned. True means "according to truth" and worshiper means "one who displays devotion to God". Is my worship based on the truth in God's word or my emotions and what I desire in a worship service? Is ceremonialism more important to me than following the Word of God?

Another aspect of worship is worshiping in Spirit and in truth. Spirit refers to internal, from the heart due to one's faith in Jesus. Truth means "clear and definite knowledge of God derived from special revelation in Scripture. This does not refer to additional or progressive revelation but how the Lord has revealed Himself to us in His Word.

Finally, we are told in verse 24 that "God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth". The word "must" is important in this passage since it means "necessary". God will not accept or acknowledge worship in any other fashion. We do not have idols in our worship services but do we have them in our hearts and minds as we worship the Lord.

We all must examine our hearts before the Lord to see what is really important to us in worship. Is is the truth of God's word as He reveals Himself to me or is it tradition and ceremonialism and music?

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