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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

God With Us

God with us. What does this promise from God mean to me on a daily basis?

First of all we are told in John 7:39 that all who believe in Jesus will receive the Holy Spirit. Then we learn in John 14:16 that the Holy Spirit is just like Jesus which means He is God also. Therefore, God truly dwells in the heart of each Believer.

The significance of God dwelling in me is found in the following passages.

John 14:17 refers to the Spirit as the Spirit of truth. God will never
lie to me or deceive me. Whatever I am taught by the Holy
Spirit will be truth, John 16:13

Ephesians 1:17-19 is a prayer that reveals what is available to each Believer.

Verse 17 The Spirit of Wisdom reveals to us God's purpose in our lives
and how the Believer will be enabled to fulfill that purpose.

Revelation in the knowledge of Him. God reveals Himself to us
by the Holy Spirit living in us, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10,12. The
knowledge given to us about God is most intensive and deep.

Verses 18-19

Having the eyes of your heart enlightened: this is God's work
in us as we have seen in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10,12

That you may know which is again a deep intimate knowledge.
There are three truths that we have the privilege of knowing.

a. What is the hope to which He has called you. We have been
called to experience eternal life where there will absolutely
no sin and death. Our fellowship with the Lord and each other
will be perfect

b. What are the riches of His glorious inheritance. We will never
face any form of sin again nor will we suffer death. Every need
that we will ever have will be provided without any worry or
anxiety on our part

c. What is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward the
Believing ones. Believers have the blessing of experiencing
God's power each day. The spiritual strength to overcome sin
and the temptations put before us by Satan. Not to mention the
wisdom and the ability to live holy to the Lord

According to the working of His great might. Working refers to the
power of God that is actually operating in each Believer. We are not
able to live on our own but completely by God's power. His great might
refers to His sovereign power and control over all circumstances in
life. Just think, everything in my life is under the control and power
of the true and living God

It is awesome to grasp the truth that the true and living God who created all things,
sustains all of life actually lives in me by His Holy Spirit. Paul states in Romans 8:31b, "IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? A-MEN!

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