Last week we studied Hebrews 3:1-4:5 in order to make sure that we would enter God's Rest. We saw the only way to enter God's rest is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Today we are going to define "God's Rest For His People" by studying Hebrews 4:6-11.
Verses 6 and 11 make a complete thought with verses 7-10 being a parenthetical statement concerning those who will not enter God's Rest. Dr. Simon J. Kistemaker, in his commentary on the book of Hebrews, states, "Unbelief leads to willful disobedience, which results in an inability to come to repentance." Unless the Lord intervenes in the life of a non-believer they will continue to willfully disobey the Lord and will not enter into His Rest.
The first phrase in Hebrews 4:6 states, "Since therefore it remains for some to enter it", which refers to God's Rest. The promise from God is that those who turn to Him with a genuine repentant heart concerning their sin and ask for forgiveness will be forgiven and will enter His Rest.
The first phrase in Hebrews 4:11 states, "Let us therefore strive to enter that rest." Strive means to make every effort. This effort is clearly defined by Jesus in
Matthew 11:28. Jesus says, "Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Once again we see that the only way to enter the rest of God is through Jesus Christ.
Geerhardus Vos, in his book "Biblical Theology", defines Rest. "It stands for consummation of a work accomplished and the joy and satisfaction attendant upon this. Such was its prototype in God. In Genesis 1:31-2:3 God saw all the He had created and said it was very good and He rested on the seventh day. His "Rest" was to cease from the activity of creating and enter into another activity. This "Rest" is a spiritual rest that God intended for all mankind to experience on the seventh day. After the Fall of Mankind into sin this opportunity for spiritual rest was temporarily lost. But the promise for God's people to enter that rest was promised in Genesis 3:15.
Four aspects of the Rest of God are listed below.
Reconciliation: Romans 5:1-2 teaches we are reconciled with God and have peace
with Him through Jesus Christ. In Christ we are justified or declared not guilty
of sin because of our faith in Christ.
Forgiveness: Luke 7:44-50 Jesus has the authority to forgive the sin of people.
Upon pronouncing an individual "forgiven" the people are amazed that He has such
authority. Being forgiven by the Lord means He does not hold us accountable for
the sin that is in our hearts. This forgiveness is only given to those who
confess their sin and ask for forgiveness, 1 John 1:9.
Peace: John 14:27 Jesus gives His peace to us and it is totally different from
the peace the world offers. The peace the world offers is external. The peace
Jesus offers is internal because it is based on the forgiveness of sin which we
saw in Romans 5:1-2 and Luke 7:44-50. It is a peace which surpasses all
understanding, Philippians 4:7.
Unity with the Father: John 17:3 Since or sins are forgiven and we have been
declared not guilty of sin we are one with the Father through the Son. The Holy
Spirit lives in the heart of all Believers which unites us spiritually with the
heavenly Father, John 14:16-17.
God's Rest for His people is spiritual and we experience that Rest on a daily basis and especially on each Lord's Day as we gather to worship the Lord. As God rested on the seventh day after creating all things and then reflecting on them, so we are to do the same. The Lord's Day is for reflecting on the previous week of all the Lord has done for us, in us and through us. We praise Him for what He has accomplished. Then we are spiritually refreshed and renewed after being involved in spiritual warfare all week. This refreshes us and prepares us for the week ahead.
There is another aspect of God's Rest for His people which is recorded in Revelation
21:1-7. All the Lord's people will enter His eternal rest at their death or at His second coming. What a day of rejoicing that will be when we enter that eternal rest,
Matthew 25:34.
Are you tired and weary? Has life worn you down and you just do not if you can go on the way you are living? Read Matthew 11:28-30. Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ by confessing and repenting of your sin and ask Him to forgive you and He will. Then you will understand God's Rest for His people.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
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