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Friday, March 27, 2009

Facing Opposition

When Nehemiah started rebuilding the wall it did not take long for those who opposed him and this project to rise up against him. We all can relate to Nehemiah because there have been times when opposition has come up against us when we truly believed what we were trying to accomplish was of the Lord. As we look at Nehemiah 4 we learn how Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem and surrounding areas worked through this time of opposition.

The first wave of opposition is Nehemiah 4:1-6. It is questioning their ability to do the work and the quality of their work is questioned. In verses 4-5 Nehemiah prays that the Lord will turn all their criticism on the opposition since they are actually making these accusations against the Lord. When you and I are being opposed we need to ask the Lord to give us the wisdom to deal with the opposition and for the Lord to deal with them personally. Nehemiah had already told of the good hand of the Lord upon him so he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he was following the Lord's will for him. We must have that same assurance as we follow the Lord.

The second wave of opposition is recorded in verses 7-9 where the opposition threatens to fight and to cause confusion. In verse 9 we read "and we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night". The verb to pray is a strong one; it reflects deep thought and petition from the heart and mind. We must always pray and then take some kind of action. The Lord has given us a mind to think through what we are faced with and come up with a plan of action. We pray to seek His wisdom and guidance then we go to work.

The third wave of opposition, verses 10-14, deals with rumors and confusion, which relates to the preceding opposition. In verse 12 we read,"At that time the Jews who lived near them came from all directions and said to us then times, 'You must return to us'". The rumors are working and some of their own people are becoming very upset. Rumors are very powerful to discourage one from following the Lord. Nehemiah' response to this problem is found in verses 13-14. He set more guards in different places and then said, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your homes." He kept them focused on the Lord and who He is and then on their duty to protect their family. Rumors take our focus off the Lord and on how "we" can take care of the problems before us.

In verses 15-23 we are given a summary of how the work continued with some of the people becoming guards while the others worked. In verses 6,9,13 and 14 Nehemiah's response always focused the people's hearts and minds on the Lord. This is an important as you and I go through life. Those of the world will try their best of cause us not to follow Jesus but we must follow the example Jesus Himself gave us in the gospel of Luke.

In Luke 9:51 we read, "Jesus set His face to go to Jerusalem". Do I have my face set on the Lord so nothing or no one will prevent me from following the Lord in every area of my life?

In Luke 9:62 Jesus said, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God". The verb "to look" means to constantly look back. The word "fit" means "suitable" or "useful". Jesus called us to follow Him and to live for Him and not to be involved in the world. The person who is trying to continue to live according to the world is not suitable or useful for God's kingdom. Is it possible that in certain areas of my life I am looking at the world instead of looking at Christ? May the Lord show us any area of our lives where we are "looking behind" and then repent of that sin and only look to Jesus.

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