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Monday, April 6, 2009

Holy Week: Monday; The Judgment of God

As we meditate on the crucifixion of Christ this week there are five attributes of God
that I am going to bring to our attention.

The first attribute of God is His wrath on sin. This attribute is not thought about by most believers. However, God shows His wrath on sin throughout the Bible.

Genesis 3:14-19 God cursed the serpent, the woman, Adam(which
represented mankind, so mankind is cursed) and
all creation due to the disobedience of Adam
the woman.

Genesis 3:22-24 God "sent" and "drove" out mankind from His
presence. The form of these two verbs is
very strong which demonstrates God's holy
and righteous judgment on mankind.

Genesis 7-8 God destroyed the earth by a flood due to
sinfulness of mankind, Genesis 6:5.

Jeremiah 25 Jeremiah explains that God will destroy
Jerusalem due to the people refusing
to repent of their sin

Matthew 27:46 Jesus cries out as He is being crucified,
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
God's wrath is poured out on Jesus because
of our sin.

Revelation This book records the end of time when the
earth will be destroyed by fire and all whose
names are not written in the Book of Life are
cast into the lake of fire for eternal punishment.

We have seen that God's wrath is real and He vents His wrath on all ungodliness. If Jesus is your Savior you will never experience the wrath of God, Romans 8:1. If you do not have Jesus as your Savior the wrath of God abides on you now, John 3:36. Receive Jesus as your Savior and experience His love and forgiveness, John 3:16

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