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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Starting on September 13th at 5 p.m. we are going to begin a new type of Bible Study. We are calling it "FOCUSED FELLOWSHIP." The purpose of this study time is to give anyone who would like to attend the opportunity to ask questions which they have concerning the sermon during the morning worship. I will Blog on Tuesday my thoughts about the passage we are studying;on Thursday I will Blog the sermon; and on Sunday I will teach the passage of Scripture. This will give those who have read and or heard the lesson an opportunity to ask questions that they normally do not have the opportunity to ask.

For example, this coming Lord's Day we will be studying Exodus 20:8-11 concerning the observance of the Lord's Day. In verse 8 we will take a close look at the word "remember"; the phrase, "the Sabbath Day"; the verb, "to keep"; and the word "holy". What did the Lord mean when He gave these words to Moses and how do they apply to us today?

I would ask you to be praying for this time of Fellowship and to come and join with us as we carefully examine this portion of Scripture.

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