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Friday, January 1, 2010

Adjusting My Life Style

In the providence and grace of God we have entered an new year to love and serve Him. As we contemplate our lives we would do well to use Psalm 1 to see if we have allowed any sin to creep into our hearts and minds. Psalm 1 gives to us a very clear description of the two paths of life and the results of living them. Those two paths are the way of the wicked and the way of the righteous.

The Lord begins this Psalm by stating, "Blessed is the man". We are immediately presented with the truth that the depth of joy in one's heart and life will depend directly on the life style of the individual. He then describes this "Blessed" person in three phrases:

Who walks not in the counsel of the wicked: this is one who
does not seek nor conduct their life on the advice of the ungodly.

Nor stands in the way of sinners: the Believer would not "hang out"
with ungodly people.

Nor sits in the seat of scoffers: the Believer will not fellowship
with those who mock God or make light of the Holy Scriptures.

In verse 2 we are given two more characteristics of the Believer:

His delight: this literally means his joy and his treasure is
the word of God.

And on His law he meditates day and night: Meditate has two aspect
that one must know. The first may be described as eating and enjoying
a delicious meal. The second is like the reminiscing of a favorite
memory that is very meaningful to you.

The word "law" is the Hebrew word "Torah" which means divine instruction.
The pastor should not be teaching his opinion but explaining the word of
God so the people may understand the teaching. The real teaching is from
the Holy Spirit,John 14:26; 16:13. Therefore, it is divine instruction we
receive not human opinion or reason or philosophy.

In verse 3 the description of the righteous continues:

Like a tree planted by the streams of water: firmly planted
and spiritually nourished on a consistent basis.

Yields its fruit in due season: each Believer spiritually matures
and the fruit is produced in the life for the benefit of others,
1 Corinthians 12:7

It leaf does not wither: spiritual life never fades or dies

In all that he does, he prospers: this is not materially
prospering but bringing to a successful conclusion which
would be the glory of the Lord, 1 Corinthians 10:31.

In verses 4 and 5 the wicked are described. They are spiritually bankrupt and are not good for any purpose. They will be judged by God and spend eternity in hell experiencing the wrath of God, Matthew 25:46. This describes those who do not trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation.

In verse 6 we are told, "the Lord knows the way of the righteous", which means He watches over His children, Job 23:10. And once again the way of the wicked will perish.

One must ask themselves, "Have I confessed my sin to Jesus, repented of my sin and asked for Jesus to forgive me?" If you have not done this then at this point in your life you are one of the wicked and if you die without Jesus as your Savior then you will be an eternal recipient of God's wrath.

If Jesus is your Savior then your life must be like the one described in verses 1-3.
If you are not a Believer I hope you will ask Jesus to forgive you. If you are a Believer may you strive to live your life in accordance with verses 1-3.

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